Sunday, November 10, 2013

Creative Title


            Went to town today. On the way I slipped into puddle after muddy puddle. My socks and feet were soaked all day. However, the day was good. On the way back from lunch at the same janky looking place (but hecka good food) a couple ten-year old street boys came to Haron and me asking for money. Their names were both John. One was breathing on a bottle of glue getting high off the fumes. We started asking them questions and talking to them. Usually when you ask them why they aren’t in school and talking about the importance of it they just walk away. These boys stayed with us. They usually come up with lies about why they are on the street. They’re usually about how their mom is sick and can’t pay school fees and their dad is dead. After a while I took out three shillings (this is very, very little and can’t buy anything). But it was all I had with me. I told the one boy with the glue that I’d give it to him if he gave me the glue. He did reluctantly, then later said that it was nothing. I told him to give me the money back if he didn’t want it, but I wasn’t going to give him the glue back. Haron went into the bank for something, and I waited with the boys outside. We were talking about stuff. Then Glue Boy said he wanted the glue back. I told him no. After a bit he started to threaten to throw a rock at my head. I told him that he wouldn’t do it. The other kid quickly grabbed the bottle out of my hand and tried to get away. But I grabbed Glue Boy and held him under my arm and told the other one to give me the glue if he truly cared about his friend (this was not a threat that I would crush him. Although looking back it may have sounded that way haha. It was supposed to be, “If you care about your friend’s health and life, then give it to me.) After a few moments he gave it back and I set him down. Haron finally came out and we ran a quick errand a few blocks away. The boys came with, and Haron was talking to them. He’s good with these types of boys. I thought that it was better that they started to pay attention to only him rather than me. I after all would be leaving soon. He needed to be trusted in the long run. Thank you God for humbling me in that. At the end of it all he bought them a meal. When they see him again, they will see a man they can trust. That leads to more good stuff.
            On the way to the matatu stage, I came across Job, the now 20-year old who is living on the streets. I told him I’d be leaving soon, bought him a small loaf the lemon cake, and talked with him briefly about life. He’s probably heard it a million times. But God knows, maybe the millionth and one time will get through. It is not my or anyone else’s job to save him though. That’s between him and the life giver.
            The little three-year old girl at the matatu station is getting a bit more friendly with me. However she came close and didn’t see me. When she turned and saw me standing right there she ran scared, crying to her mom. I fully understand. If I saw me, heck ya I’d run. But then I gave her a few smiles and sad faces, and she was back to her old self. I vow by the time I leave, she will be coming up to me giving high fives. She is adorable.
            Tried getting all the guys here at Blesco to take a picture. When I finally got them all together, I tried to get somebody to take a picture for us. I wanted to be in the picture so I could print one out for each of them. I asked three people to take the picture at different times. Each one misunderstood and went to get IN the picture. I just chuckled to myself and took the picture. Oh well. I wanted to leave them something to help them remember me. Guess they’ll only have their memory. I’ll have thousands of pictures that they have taken of themselves in weird poses.


            The boys left yesterday. They have finished the first year at Blesco Boys HS. Unfortunately I wasn’t there to see them off. I said my goodbyes on Thursday. It was kinda sad saying bye. Fortunately they were eating when I left, so they were a bit preoccupied. I will see some of them in town though. Slept over at Troy’s and his family’s house Thursday night cuz Haron wanted to pick me up at 4am to go to Kisumu, a 5 hr drive. We got on the rode at 4:30 after picking up Gitau. We finally got there at about 9:30. We had to stop in Kisumu town cuz there was something wrong with the car wheels. That’s what happens when you drive 100 miles over potholes. We then went to the prayer meeting for one of the 8th grade boys. We got there late, and it still lasted over 3 hrs. We didn’t come back to Nakuru yesterday. We stopped in Kericho on the way back and stayed in a small hotel. Haron and Gitau slept in the same bed (not a big bed). I found that a bit humorous. The drive was beautiful. One of those things I wish I could explain.
            If you want to know what it’s like to constantly be hassled for not being married, introduced to random women, and have scripture taken out of context to prove that you SHOULD be married, then be me.


            There has been a change of plans. When I originally decided on staying til December I thought the student were getting out of school a few days before I was leaving. Now that the students are gone, that means I would be here for a month with not much to do. And there is definitely value in just being where you are whether busy or not. However, I have done that before and was reminded of another great opportunity I can have if I take it. So I am leaving in a week and going to Europe for a few weeks. I have a friend in Rome who is a Christian working with refugees mostly from Afghanistan. So I’ll bee going there and seeing if I can be of some assistance and hopefully give her some encouragement. Then if possible I will go to Ukraine where I have another friend in the Peace Corps. I have never been to Europe and really don’t know what’s happening, but I have become an expert at knowing and going with the flow. But I truly believe God will be present and working and has already started long before I even had a thought. Wow, imagine that.

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